School Supplies
School Supplies List 2024-2025
- 4 oz. bottle of Elmer's brand glue
- 24 – Elmer’s brand glue sticks
- 1 Pair Fiskar brand scissors
- 5 boxes of 24 ct. Crayola brand crayons
- 1 box of Crayola brand markers (wide tip)
- 1 box of 24 ct. Crayola brand colored pencils
- 1 Crayola brand watercolor paint set
- 12 Ticonderoga brand pencils
- 2 large pink erasers
- 3 large boxes of Kleenex
- 4 rolls of paper towels
- 6 containers of Clorox wipes
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer (32 oz.)
- 1 bottle of liquid Soft Soap (7.5 oz.)
- 1 backpack large enough to hold a 2in. binder, No Wheels
- 1 box of snack baggies
- 1 box of quart baggies
- 1 box of gallon bags
- 1 package of cheap uncoated paper plates
Please do not purchase any Rose Art or CraZArt supplies. They do not work. Please note – individual teachers may ask for additional supplies at various times during the school year.
First Grade
- 4 Single subject spiral notebooks, 70 sheets, wide ruled, solid colors only: green, red, yellow, and blue
- 1 Package of Ticonderoga #2 YELLOW pencils (24 count)
- 1 Pair of Fiskar scissors (child size)
- 1 box of 12 count Crayola colored pencils
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons, 24 count
- 1 box of washable markers (wide tip)
- 8 glue sticks - non scented
- 2 large pink erasers
- 4 boxes of Kleenex
- 2 rolls of paper towels (select a size)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer (Girls only)
- 1 box of Gallon sized Ziploc Bags (Boys only)
- 4 containers of Clorox/Lysol wipes-no baby wipes
- 1 Individual sturdy pencil box
- 1 Reusable Water Bottle with child’s name
- Backpack - no wheels please
*Additional supplies may be requested by teachers at various times during the school year
Second Grade
- Spiral notebooks- red, green, yellow, purple
- 1 composition book
- 12 glue sticks
- 24 Ticongonda and USA Gold pencils
- 1 pair of heavy duty scissors
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons
- 2 boxes of Crayola markers
- 2 packages of dry erase markers
- 2 plastic 3 prong folders with pockets
- 1 24 count Crayola colored pencils
- 4 large pink erasers
- 2 rolls of paper towels
- 3 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 backpack
- 1 water bottle
- 4 Clorox wipes containers
- 4 highlighters
- 1 pencil box
- Girls- hand soap and quart freezer ziploc bags
- Boys- hand sanitizer and gallon freezer ziploc bags
Please note – individual teachers may ask for additional supplies at various times during the school year.
Third Grade
- 6 Wide-ruled Composition Books (Colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, & Orange) - (Only if you can find them and if not, then it’s okay to have other colors.)
- 2 Folders with fasteners (Colors: Purple and Orange, or with designs)
- 1 Pack of notebook paper (wide-ruled) 100 count
- 36 #2 Sharpened pencils
- 1 Pencil sharpener
- 1 Pencil box (or bag)
- 1 Package of multi-colored highlighters with 4 colors or more
- 1 Box colored pencils
- 1 Box of crayons
- 1 Box of markers (thick or thin)
- 1 Package of dry erase markers
- 1 Pair of scissors
- 1 Package of pink erasers
- 6 Glue sticks
- 1 Large bottle of hand sanitizer
- 2 Rolls of paper towels
- 3 Large boxes of Kleenex tissue
- 3 Large packages of disinfectant wipes
- 1 Set of personal headphones or earbuds*
- 1 Reusable water bottle*
- 1 Backpack*
- Girls - 1 Package of quart size or snack size Ziplock bags
- Boys - 1 Package of gallon size Ziplock bags
*Please label backpack, water bottle, and headphones with the student’s name.
Please note – individual teachers may ask for additional supplies at various times during the school year.
Fourth Grade
- 8 one subject spiral notebooks (2 red, 2 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 blue)
- 2 packages wide ruled paper
- 4 folders
- 3 packages of pencils (plain, no mechanical pencils)
- 2 pink erasers
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 package of colored pencils or crayons
- 1 package of washable markers
- 1 package dry erase markers
- 1 clean old sock or felt square for erasing
- 1 pointed scissors
- 1 bottle of hand soap
- 1 roll paper towels
- 4 packages sanitizing wipes
- 4 boxes of Kleenex tissues
- 1 boys gallon size bags
- 1 girls sandwich size bags
- Individual teachers may ask for extra supplies.
Fifth Grade
- 4 Single subject spiral notebooks, 70 sheets, wide ruled, solid colors only: green, red, yellow, and blue
- 1 Package of Ticonderoga #2 YELLOW pencils (24 count)
- 1 Pair of Fiskar scissors (child size)
- 1 box of 12 count Crayola colored pencils
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons, 24 count
- 1 box of washable markers (wide tip)
- 8 glue sticks - non scented
- 2 large pink erasers
- 4 boxes of Kleenex
- 2 rolls of paper towels (select a size)
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer (Girls only)
- 1 box of Gallon sized Ziploc Bags (Boys only)
- 4 containers of Clorox/Lysol wipes-no baby wipes
- 1 Individual sturdy pencil box
- 1 Reusable Water Bottle with child’s name
- Backpack - no wheels please
*Additional supplies may be requested by teachers at various times during the school year